Näohooldus , Peggy Sage
Peggy Sage Tweezers – Pink
9,5 cm – stainless-steel, offset, rectified, flexible grip.
To prevent the hair from regrowing immediately, make sure that you also pull out the bulb.
Pull it in the direction the hair grows.Brändid , Keha- ja näohooldus
Peggy Sage Natural Cleasing sponge 2 pcs
Use these sponges for best results when cleansing.
They can be used for removing body paint or simply when cleansing the face.
For perfect make-up removal, work the cleanser into a lather on your face and then remove the lather with damp sponges. Using sponges will prevent you from having to rinse your face with a lot of water, which is not …Näo- ja kehahooldus , Näohooldus
Peggy Sage Super-moisturizing Dew 200ml
Alkoholivaba puhastusvesi annab näonahale kohese värskuse ja taastab näonaha paindlikuse. 200ml
Näo- ja kehahooldus , Näohooldus
Peggy Sage Alcohol-Free Tonifying Lotion 200ml
It reinforces the caring action of the cleansing milk with vitamins by removing the last make-up traces. It provides sensitive and dry skins with radiance, softness and flexibility. Alcohol-free.
For perfect cleansing, make sure above all that you don’t skip the toning step, since it is toning that brings out your skin’s radiance. Whether you have dry, sensitive, oily, combination or …Fillerina , Keha- ja näohooldus
Fillerina Eye And Lip Contour Cream Tase 1 kontuurkreem silmadele ja huultele 15ml
Efektiivse vananemisvastase toimega silma- ja huulekontuuri kreem, milles sisalduv vett siduv hüaluroonhape täidab huule- ja silmaümbrusnaha kõige nähtavamad ja sügavamad jooned ja kortsukesed.
Näo- ja kehahooldus , Näohooldus
Peggy Sage Golden Night Mask 25ml
For more beautiful skin when you wake up in the morning, use this night mask enriched with hyaluronic acid and rose water. Its fresh, light texture feels comfortable overnight, and when you wake up your skin will be suppler and softer, with a bright, radiant complexion.
Kiepe , Näohooldus
Kiepe pinsetid ergo tech
Roostevabast terasest ergonoomilised pintsetid, sobivad nii professionaalidele kui ka koduseks kasutamiseks.
Näo- ja kehahooldus , Näohooldus
Peggy Sage Anti-ageing Cream With Royal Jelly 50ml
Värskendavat kreemi on eriti soovitatav kasutada külma ilmaga ja väsinuna. 50ml
Näo- ja kehahooldus , Näohooldus
Peggy Sage Intense Day Cream 50ml
Täiuslik näohoolduskreem kaitseb, stimuleerib ja pinguldab nahka. 50ml
Fillerina , Keha- ja näohooldus
Fillerina Day Cream Tase 2 päevakreem hüaluroonhappe ja peptiididega 50ml
gapäevane vananemisvastane niisutaja hüaluroonhappe ja peptiididega, mis aitab pikendada naha nooruslikku välimust ja ennetab varajaste kortsude ilmumist.
Fillerina , Keha- ja näohooldus
Fillerina Day Cream Tase 1 päevakreem hüaluroonhappe ja peptiididega 50ml
Igapäevane vananemisvastane niisutaja hüaluroonhappe ja peptiididega, mis aitab pikendada naha nooruslikku välimust ja ennetab varajaste kortsude ilmumist.
Peggy Sage , Näo- ja kehahooldus
Peggy Sage Gold Powder Peel-Off Mask 25ml
This delicate gold powder peel-off mask cleanses and smooths your skin to boost its radiance. As you peel it off, this mask takes with it all the dead skin cells and impurities, leaving your skin even more beautiful looking.
Näo- ja kehahooldus , Näohooldus
Peggy Sage Clay And Charcoal Mask 25ml
The charcoal and clay purify your skin to leave it looking beautiful.
This clay and charcoal mask acts like a magnet, eliminating impurities and pollutants from your face and drawing out excess sebum blocking your pores.On rinsing, the creamy clay texture turns into a fine foam, leaving your skin clean, matified and purified.
Keha- ja näohooldus , Näo- ja kehahooldus
Peggy Sage Micellar Water 200ml
Micellar water with orange blossom cleanses, removes make-up and refreshes in one go. It leaves your skin feeling clean, soft and comfortable.
Instructions: soak a cotton wool pad with micellar water and gently apply to your face and eyes. Repeat until the cotton wool stays clean. Do not rinse.
Näo- ja kehahooldus , Näohooldus
Peggy Sage High-Nutrition Regenerating Mask 250ml
Nourished, protected and hydrated*, your skin regains all its softness and your complexion looks radiant!
*of the epidermis outer layers
Näo- ja kehahooldus , Näohooldus
Peggy Sage Round Face Brush
For cleaning the skin thoroughly, making it impeccable.
10 cm plastic handle. Brush diam. 3.5 x 2 cm.
Showing 1–18 of 71 results