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Peggy Sage Lip Lead Pencil Lip Shaper
The lip shaper lip lead pencil is used to draw a transparent, mat line around the lips before applying lipstick to prevent it from smudging even if the lips are damaged. 0,3 g – transparent
6 colours with a silky texture for a heightened, intensified gaze in an instant. Ultra-practical: pencil and blending-in tool for a host of effects. 1,14 g
Võib kasutada, et vähendada väikseid ebaperfektsuseid iga kell. Sisaldab 100% puhtaid ja naturaalseid vajalikke õlisid (nelk, geraanium, teepuu jpm.) Enne kasutamist raputada. Hoiduda silmadest ja huultest.
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