Võib kasutada, et vähendada väikseid ebaperfektsuseid iga kell. Sisaldab 100% puhtaid ja naturaalseid vajalikke õlisid (nelk, geraanium, teepuu jpm.) Enne kasutamist raputada. Hoiduda silmadest ja huultest.
An instant-melt, long-lasting formula for colouring your eyelids or drawing attention to the area around the eyes. 1,6 g pencil sharpener 130282 without white diameter reducer
This extremely practical eyebrow pencil has 2 ends. One contains a brown lead for darkening sparse areas and adding definition to your eyebrows, and the other has a pale pink lead that brightens your gaze and covers up new hairs. châtain – 3,20 g pencil sharpener 130282 without white diameter reducer
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